It’s days like these that I feel so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world, although I type that to the sound of rain on the window! Years ago, I yearned to move away. When I was 18 I ran off to the USA and lived what I thought was the dream – sunshine everyday, a land of opportunities and Disneyworld (I was in Florida after all!). Years on, and possibly as I’ve aged a little since then, I’ve learned that’s not what life is about, and definitely not what happiness is made of. I wouldn’t trade my years in America for anything – they taught me a lot, and I achieved what I set out to do. But now I’m home in Wales I’m glad I didn’t end up staying. Life for me is all about family and friends, and opportunities are what you strive for, not what country you’re in.

This week I’ve spent some lovely days at Oxwich Bay in Gower, as well as meeting friends for lunch and a stroll around Gnoll Park in Neath with my friend and her daughter (who is now my dog’s best friend!). I look forward to summer arriving so we can do this a lot more often!
